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Millennials are the people who born in the era of technology. They tend to master the technology (smartphone, computer, tablet, et cetera) better than the previous generation. Nowadays, millennials are very dominating than the previous generation, especially in Indonesia. In the internet era like this, there are so many effects that they can get for being a millennial. Some of the effects may not a positive effect.

Some millennials do not have a skill to filtering the information from the internet. Nowadays, there is much viral news of some celebrity that comes from the internet. The viral news usually has a controversial topic. Some of the controversial news contain some lie and usually excessively reported by some no-name media. Some of them who do not have the filtering skill will get angry without searching some clarification. It is not rare that they will become extremely hate that celebrity and blasphemy the celebrity’s account because they hate the controversial news about that celebrity.

Hedonism is the lifestyle that will be dangerous for every people. Hedonism is a philosophy that pleasure is very important. Pleasure is the goal of every mankind with avoid the feelings of pain. Hedonism usually infected millennial who do not have the self-identity that addicted to the social media or cyberspace. There is some case that some millennials use Instagram to get some money by fooling someone. Then they travel aboard and do such as the billionaire did with the money. This is obviously wrong. They are fooling other people to get their own pleasure.

There are a bunch of negative impacts that may be infected the millennials. As the millennials generation, we must be aware of this. The millennials must avoid the negative impacts and use the cyberspace wisely without blasphemy other people in their media social account. Take the advantages of the technology and left the bad effects because it (the bad effects) has no benefits for humankind.
