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Millennials are the people who born in the era of technology. They tend to master the technology (smartphone, computer, tablet, et cetera) better than the previous generation. Nowadays, millennials are very dominating than the previous generation, especially in Indonesia. In the internet era like this, there are so many effects that they can get for being a millennial. Some of the effects may not a positive effect.

Some millennials do not have a skill to filtering the information from the internet. Nowadays, there is much viral news of some celebrity that comes from the internet. The viral news usually has a controversial topic. Some of the controversial news contain some lie and usually excessively reported by some no-name media. Some of them who do not have the filtering skill will get angry without searching some clarification. It is not rare that they will become extremely hate that celebrity and blasphemy the celebrity’s account because they hate the controversial news about that celebrity.

Hedonism is the lifestyle that will be dangerous for every people. Hedonism is a philosophy that pleasure is very important. Pleasure is the goal of every mankind with avoid the feelings of pain. Hedonism usually infected millennial who do not have the self-identity that addicted to the social media or cyberspace. There is some case that some millennials use Instagram to get some money by fooling someone. Then they travel aboard and do such as the billionaire did with the money. This is obviously wrong. They are fooling other people to get their own pleasure.

There are a bunch of negative impacts that may be infected the millennials. As the millennials generation, we must be aware of this. The millennials must avoid the negative impacts and use the cyberspace wisely without blasphemy other people in their media social account. Take the advantages of the technology and left the bad effects because it (the bad effects) has no benefits for humankind.


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Street food are loved by many people in many countries. Although not all of the street food is unhealthy, but most of it are not good for the body. Many people know about this information, but they still often to eat that food. They must have some reason why they keep going to buy and eat the street food from the street vendor. Street food has really tasty taste. The tastiness of that food can gain many customers who love tasty food. The customer will addict to that taste and will come again in the future. The sources of that tasty taste usually from the amount of monosodium glutamate. Monosodium glutamate is a safe material, but if some people consume it too much they will feel the side effects like headache, sweating, chest pain, et cetera. The interesting dress of the food can be the reason why people love to eat the street food. When the food has beautiful dressing, it is like automatically people will love to eat it. Nowadays, youngsters love to take a photo of the food


It is not rare for us to accused someone because of their look or appearance. We often to gossiping them before we know who they really are. For example, when we see a man that has a feminine figure, automatically most of us think that he is gay, he likes the man. In reality, he just has that kind of figure because of his environment or other aspects, and he still loves women. This kind of thinking is what we called prejudice. Prejudice exists because of there are stereotypes. Stereotypes are grouping someone based on their looks, their origin, their behavior, et cetera. In daily life, we used to stereotype someone (in a negative way) without realizing it that it is not right. There are two kinds of stereotypes, in the positive way and negative way. Positive stereotypes usually content a compliment about good things that some people or group has done like we respect Japanese people because they are hard workers and they appreciate the time. We also think that most of

Violence Toward Rohingya

          Nowadays, there are so many crises about humanity. The most terrible humanitarian crisis today is being experienced by Rohingya refugees in Rakhine, Myanmar. They have been removed from Myanmar or Burma with violation by Myanmar’s security forces. The security forces had burn Rohingya houses, kill the Rohingya’s children, kidnap, and rape the Rohingya’s women and young girls. Those actions are so inhuman, cannot be tolerable, and of course against Buddhist rules.            Violence that Myanmar’s security forces did to Rohingya’s is inhumane. The International Organization for Migration's Director General William Lacy Swing said that particularly women and girls, but also men and boys, have been targeted for. They are at risk of further exploitation, violence and abuse simply because of their gender, age and status in society. This fact reflect that the security forces did not apply their own religion’s moral to their own life.           The fact about the viol