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The Differences between Buddhist and Hindu Temple: Borobudur and Prambanan Temple

Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world that has long mysterious history, especially for its historical heritage. There are many of those Indonesia’s heritage that are known over the world. The most famous one is Borobudur temple and another one is Prambanan temple. In the next paragraph, we will discuss the differences of these temples. We will know about the purpose of those temples, the structure, and what kind of statue that we will find in those temples.

We all know that Borobudur temple is a Buddhist temple, and Prambanan is a Hindu temple, but do we know for what purpose ancient people built those temples? Usually Buddhist temple is a place where the Buddhist followers worship the Gods. In some Buddhist event like Buddha’s birth or what we callWaisak, Borobudur temple will be closed for tourism. Buddhist people will come to celebrate it, to pray, and light the candle and lampions when the night falls. On the other hand, Prambanan temple has different function. Hindu’s temple is usually used as tomb for the King. Although it functioned as a tomb, it doesn’t mean there’s King’s body buried under the temple. The objects that’s buried is the physical symbol of the King; something like his manifestation shaped statue of Shiva, Ganesh or Vishnu, for example.

Borobudur and Prambanan temple have different building structure. Most of Buddhist temple has 3 parts of building; there are kamadhatu (on the bottom of the temple that symbolizes the human life that full of sins), rupadhatu (on the middle of the temple that has a meaning as a symbol of human who are lustful), and arupadhatu (placed on the top of the temple that means the human reaches nirvana). As well as Buddhist temple, Prambanan also has 3 parts of building, even though it has different meaning. The first part of Prambanan temple is called bhurloka that symbolize mortal world. The second part is the body of the temple called bhurvaloka that means the world where there is purification of human’s sin. The last is the part on the top of temple, svarloka. Svarloka means the world of Gods.

If we observe more about those two temples, we can find that the statue of each temple is different. Borobudur temple has many statues of Buddha on the different appearance, for example, Buddha statue that has long ears, Buddha statue with closed eyes, and statue with urna (a bulge) on its forehead. However, Prambanan does not have Buddha statue. Prambanan has more various statue than Borobudur and we may know it well as an Indonesian people.

In conclusion, even though Borobudur temple and Prambanan temple have similar looks in the surface, if we look closely we will find those differences. Although those temples are different, both of them have long history or maybe there is hidden story behind those heritage buildings. We can find out more of the differences between those temples by visiting the temple to see it directly.


  1. The essay is well structured, the author described the points in the first paragraph then detailed the point in the next paragraph. The conclusion also smoothly stated in the last paragraph.

  2. This essay is good but be careful with grammer


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