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Violence Toward Rohingya

          Nowadays, there are so many crises about humanity. The most terrible humanitarian crisis today is being experienced by Rohingya refugees in Rakhine, Myanmar. They have been removed from Myanmar or Burma with violation by Myanmar’s security forces. The security forces had burn Rohingya houses, kill the Rohingya’s children, kidnap, and rape the Rohingya’s women and young girls. Those actions are so inhuman, cannot be tolerable, and of course against Buddhist rules. 

          Violence that Myanmar’s security forces did to Rohingya’s is inhumane. The International Organization for Migration's Director General William Lacy Swing said that particularly women and girls, but also men and boys, have been targeted for. They are at risk of further exploitation, violence and abuse simply because of their gender, age and status in society. This fact reflect that the security forces did not apply their own religion’s moral to their own life.

          The fact about the violence that Myanmar’s security forces did cannot be tolerable. United Nation Commissioner of Human Right, Zeid Ra ’ad Al Hussein said a mother tells us how her five years old daughter is trying to protect her from rape, when a man of security forces takes a knife and slit her throat to kill her. On the other case, an eight months baby was killed when the mother being raped by security forces. Those facts are so cruel. It was also against the human right and cannot be tolerable.

            Those violence actions are against Buddhist rules. As it is written on Buddhism has a peaceful tradition. Nothing in Buddhist scripture gives any support to the use of violence as a way to resolve conflict. Buddhism teaches us about how to achieve the highest inner peace that called nirvana. Buddhism forbids all forms of violence. This religion teaches us to avoid violence to our human being, any living creature, or even in extreme cases of self-defense. 

           Violence is not the way to solve the problem. If Myanmar wants Rohingya to move from their country, they must choose the safest way with United Nation’s help or other country’s help, not with violence to Rohingya that makes the world interfere to their case. Those are also crime that against humanity’s right. Those violence cannot bring any peace of their country otherwise, they will decrease their country reputation for sure.

